ready to join the BMW Lions?

Scroll down to see a full list of registration options for the 2025 season, plus helpful information on grades, playing times and more.

2025 season

register for the 2025 season

  • Football Registration (Player)

    Register now as a player of the BMW Football Club for the 2025 season. Membership fees include insurance, game day fees and club fees.

  • Football Registration (Club Official)

    Join our club as a trainer, coach, committee member, team manager, or umpire. Membership fees include entry to games, voting rights and more (non-players only).

  • Football Supporter (Full Membership)

    Are you a loyal Lion but no longer play? Register now as a proud supporter of the BMW Football Club. Membership fees include entry to home games, voting rights and more.


    Are you a loyal Lion but no longer play? Register now as a proud supporter of the BMW Football Club. Membership fees include entry to home games, voting rights and more. Link for concession rate.

  • Netball Registration (Player)

    Register now as a player of the BMW Netball Club for the 2025 season. Membership fees include insurance, game day fees and club fees.

  • Netball Registration (Club Official)

    Join our club as a trainer, coach, committee member, team manager, or umpire. Membership fees include entry to games, voting rights and more (non-players only).

  • Netball Supporter

    Are you a loyal Lioness but no longer play? Register as a proud supporter of the BMW Netball Club. Membership fees include entry to home games, voting rights and more. Contact Brooke (Netball Treasurer) to join.

  • Junior players football & netball

    Junior registrations are all available on our Junior Page! Be sure to pop over and check it out! New players are always welcome!!

new player info


    Seniors: A & B Grade

    Juniors: Senior Colts (Under 17's), Junior Colts (Under 14's)

    Young Juniors: Minis, Sub Minis, Cubs, Super Cubs & Auskick


    Seniors: A, B, C, D, E, F Grades

    Juniors: G, H (17 & under), I, J (13 & under) Grades

    Young Juniors: Minis, Sub Minis & Net Set Go

  • During the year we have rare occassions where thyese times alter, for the most recent up to date details watch our socials.

    FOOTBALL First Bounce:

    Junior Colts 9:25am

    Senior Colts 10:50am

    Minis (Multiple Games on oval) 12:20pm

    B Grade 1:05pm

    A Grade 2:50pm


    Senior Teams:

    Week 1: 12.30pm 2pm 3.15pm

    Week 2: 2pm 3.15pm 12.30pm

    Week 3: 3.15pm 12.30pm 2pm

    These grades play on court 1 & 2 at the same time each week:

    A & D B & E C & F

    Junior Teams:

    G & I 11.30am

    H & J 10.30am

    Minis & Sub:


    Booleroo Centre 9:30am

    Orroroo 11:30am

    Crystal Brook 11:30am

    Pt Broughton 11:30am

    Jamestown 9:30am

    Wilmington 9:30am

    Laura 9:30am

    Wirrabara 9.30am

    Melrose 9:30am


    Booleroo Centre 9:30am

    Orroroo 10:30am

    Crystal Brook 10:30am

    Pt Broughton 10:30am

    Jamestown 9:30am

    Wilmington 9:30am

    Laura 9:30am

    Wirrabara 9.30am

    Melrose 9:30am

  • BMW: Booleroo Centre, Melrose & Wilmington

    Southern Flinders: Gladstone, Laura & Wirrabara

    Crystal Brook



    Broughton Mundoora: Port Broughton

    Where a club has multiple grounds the locations will be specified on the NAFA & NANA program.

  • BMW has 3 home grounds and the trainings rotate throughout the season.

    As a general guide the following is how we move around:

    START OF SEASON: Wilmington

    MID SEASON: Melrose

    END OF SEASON: Booleroo Centre

    In the event of wet weather the netball club may train in the Booleroo Centre District School Indoor Gym but any changes will be made clear prior to training that night. Juniors cancel when required and this is also communicated appropriately through our various channels including contacting schools etc.

    Netball Training Times:

    A-F Grade 6:30pm - 8:00pm

    G & H Grade 5:30pm - 6:30pm

    I & J Grade 4:30pm - 5:30pm

    Minis & SubMinis 4:30pm - 5:30pm


    All footballers wear BMW NAFA shorts and red socks. These are available at Intersport Port Pirie & Port Augusta as well as Sports Power Port Augusta.

    A Grade, B Grade wear guernseys which are given out on game day and collected back.

    Junior Colts, Senior Colts, Minis, Sub Minis, Cubs & Super Subs - are given guernsey's at one of the first trainings. They keep them for the season and return at the last minor round game.


    All netballers wear our club dresses, white socks and blue undershorts.

    The dresses, socks and undershorts are able to be ordered at the start of the season.

    For junior players we have a small supply of dresses which can be hired for the season. The club also encourages swaps and will help find secondhand dresses and offers payments schemes where required.

    For more information on this please see the club Uniform Officer Ali Whenan or ask an official club member at the first training sessions.


    A variety of training shirts, shorts and club merch is available. Click on the Merch links to find out more!

  • Check out the Junior Lions Hub page to find out more about all things Juniors!

  • It's a grand old flag, it's a high flying flag,

    It's the emblem for me and for you,

    It's the emblem of, the team we love,

    The team of the red and the blue

    (And the yellow)!

    Every heart beats true, for the red and the blue,

    as we sing this song to you, (What do we sing)?

    Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

    keep your eye on the red and the blue (and the yellow)!

stay social


Since 1991

BMW • Since 1991